"Hi I'm a viewer."
"And I'm a critic. Hey viewer have you noticed how incredible those Mac v.s. PC ads are?"
"Well, I mean I always thought they were funny and everything, and I always like watching them, but what else could there be?"
" Lots viewer! lots and lots!"
We've all seen the Mac v.s. PC ads. Right now, it would seem that despite the powerhouse PC is, Mac is quickly gaining,in fact it has become the number one most purchased computer for college students, which mean its taking over the future. And its no wonder, rarely do viewers stop fast forwarding with their tivos and dvrs to watch a commercial, and even rarer than that is stopping to see a commercial the complies with all three types of argument.
As far as pathos is concerned, its really all in the images. Mac is a young, good looking, relaxed guy in blue jeans with his hands in his pockets and is ready play with a hacky sac, like every young person is or would like to be. PC is a middle aged man in a brown dull suit with round face and glasses, he is quirky and insecure. The argument is the most obvious in the world, "Macs make you cool!Macs make you hip!". The ads also use comedy to target emotions, after all, comedy is making reality seems absurd and that is exactly what Mac is banking on. " Haha," they mock,"look at the silly old PC trying to rival us. Look he can't make a good movie, he can't protect himself from virus's, he can't network as easily as I can." And, given the better tact of Mac's markers than mine, they actually make the viewer smirk, and giggle, and all around begrudge the inefficient PC he/she/it has.
Ethos? That might be a little trickier to see. For starters, PC is constantly surrendering to Mac, admitting Mac's superiority. But more importantly, Mac gives this sense of false modesty, "oh come on." he says " your not all that worthless,". This is a very tactful way of not only not making people rush out to buy PCs because they're angry with Mac, but also builds a sense of trust with the young Mac.
Meanwhile the audience is getting blasted with Logos. All kinds of hazardous PC facts are exploited, while Mac facts put them increasingly higher on the podium. Macs are more diverse in their language knowledge, they have a personal network many call ilife, Mac coem ready out of the box while PC needs preparation, the list goes on and on. More importantly, the list isn't boring. The comedy mentioned earlier displays these facts in way that people remember the argument, "Macs are better.".
All in all Mac ads are about as good as their computers.
Of course I have no ethos on that matter because I typed all of this with a PC